

Git Stash

Let's say that the Developer A is working on a third story on the develop branch. Suddenly, the Developer B says that there are some critical bugs that needs to be corrected immediately on the main branch.

Before the Developer A checkout to the main branch, it's necessary to place the changes made to the third story somewhere in order to have a clean working area if we want to solve the bugs on the main branch. As the story isn't finished yet, the Developer A don't want to commit it to his branch (develop).

In this case, we can use git stash command to stash all changes in the working area. We can keep on pushing the changes to the stash and the changes will simlpy pile up (treat like queue FIFO).

# Stash the changes
git stash
git stash push
git stash save "message"
# Apply the stash changes
git stash apply # re-applying the stashed changes without pop it
git stash pop
git stash pop stash@{1}
git stash branch branch-name stash@{1} # creating a branch from your stash, as you may run into conflicts when popping or applying your stash -->
# List all the stash
git stash list
# Show the differences between the current and a stash
git stash show
git stash show -p # view the full diff of a stash
# clear or drop stash
git stash clear # clear all the stashes
git stash drop stash@{1}

stash push


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