Useful commands
Docker system events
Reference (opens in a new tab)
It will get real-time events that were logged from the server. So, all changes that are made to containers or networks are logged under this command.
docker system events --since 60m
docker system events --since 2024-05-30
docker system events --filter '<key>=<value>'
docker system events --filter 'container=588a23dac085'
Disk usage metrics for docker objects
It will display the actual size of the different objects that are managed by Docker.
docker system df
docker system df -v
Make sure the directory exists for both side paths. You can copy entire folder too.
Host to container
docker container cp <local-path> <container>:<container-path>
docker container cp /home/username/config.yaml apiapp:/etc/api/config.yaml
Container to host
docker container cp <container>:<container-path> <local-path>
docker container cp apiapp:/etc/api/config.yaml /home/username/config.yaml