DockerThe roadmap of Docker topic.DockerDocker IntroductionWhat is Docker•Docker IntroductionDocker ArchitectureDocker Engine Architecture•containerd•libcontainer/runC•containerd-shimDocker Objects•Images•Containers•Volumes•Networks•RegistryDocker Installation•Install Docker Engine on UbuntuDaemon Configuration•Docker Service Configuration•Start Docker Daemon manually•Unix Socket•Logging Driver•Storage DriverTroubleshoot Docker Daemon•View Docker Daemon Logs•Check free disk space on hostDocker TopicsContainer•Create container•List container details•Start container•Run a container•Expose container port (Capital P)•Rename container•Run a new command in a running container•Attach the terminal's I/O to a running container•Inspect container•Display a live stream of containers resource usage statistics•Display running processes of a container•Container Logs•Pause and Unpause container•Restart container•Update container•Stop, remove, and prune the containerImageImage Operations•List images•Search images•Pull / Download the image•Push image•Tag image•Inspect image•Remove image and remove all unused image•Display image layers•Save or load image•Convert container into image in a tar format using Import and Export operations•Image naming convention and Authenticate to registriesDockerfile (Build a custom image)Dockerfile explanation•WORKDIR•HEALTHCHECK•COPY vs ADD•CMD vs ENTRYPOINT (Utility container)•Build cache•Multi-stage builds•Create custom image from running containerVolumeVolume types•Anonymous and named volumes•Bind mounts•Read-only volume•List volume•Create volume•Inspect volume•Remove volumeNetworkNetwork types•None•Host (local)Bridge•User-defined bridge network•List neworks•Inspect networks•Remove network•Connect/Disconnect container to networkContainer Communication•Container to host (local) communication•Container to container communicationResource LimitsCPU•CPU Shares•CPU Sets•CPU Count•MemoryDocker Compose•compose.yamlCommands•List containers•Build or rebuild containers•Create and start containers•Execute a command in a running container•Display service log output•Stop services•Stop and remove containers, networksAdditionalUseful commands•Docker system events•Disk usage metrics for docker objects•Copy•Future