Remote server connection

Remove Server Connection

Connecting to a remote server

ssh <remote-host-ip-address/name> # Your local machine username is same as on the remote server
ssh <username>@<remote-host-ip-address/name> # specify your username if it is different
ssh -p <port-number> <username>@<remote-host-ip-address/name> # specify different port number
ssh -v <username>@<remote-host-ip-address/name> # get the verbose information
# running a single command on a remote host instead of spawning a shell session
# After the command is completed running, the connection will straightaway close
ssh <username>@<remote-host-ip-address/name> <command-to-run>
ssh <username>@<remote-host-ip-address/name> ls -la
-pPort Number2222
-vMore information (Verbose)-

When you SSH to a server, it will prompt you whether you want to connect by showing the fingerprint. It wuill save the fingerprint to known_hosts file.


To simplify the connection process, you can create a Host specific configuration file



It will generate a known_hosts file in your local ~/.ssh directory.

A fingerprint will be displayed when you SSH to a server. If you put "yes", the system will save the fingerprint to your local ~/.ssh/known_hosts file, so you won't have to enter the same thing again next time.

As a result, it can help to prevent the man-in-the-middle-attack.