Cluster Components Security

Cluster Components Security

Secure controller manager and scheduler

In summary;

  • Isolate the controller manager and scheduler on another node
  • Apply Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) to limit what the controller manager and scheduler can do
  • Secure communication using Transport Layer Security (TLS) between all the components in the cluster
  • Enable audit logging to keep track the activities and monitor the activities of the controller manager and scheduler
  • Secure default configurations and protect the configuration files.
  • Update/Run the Kubernetes latest version.
  • Regularly scan for vulnerabilities in the cluster components.

When we want to protect the controller manager and scheduler, we have to isolate them, and we can do this by running them on a separate node. This way, if the application running on the node is compromised, the controller manager and scheduler are not affected.

We also have to apply Role-Bsaed Access Control (RBAC) to limit what the controller manager and scheduler can do. For example, replication controller only needs to manage pod replicas and the scheduler only needs to schedule pods. In this casem you can configure RBAC to only allow these actions, so if they are being compromised, the attacker can't do much due to the limited access.

We have to secure communication using Transport Layer Security (TLS) between all the components in the cluster. This way, all data transferred between the components is encrypted and secure. Remember to rotate the TLS certificates regularly.

Also, we have to enable audit logging to keep track the activities and monitor the activities of the controller manager and scheduler. This way, we can refer to the audit logs to investigate any suspicious activities. You can use Prometheus and Grafana to monitor the activities of the controller manager and scheduler.

Secure kubelet


Refer to the Kubelet section to understand the kubelet.

In summary;

  • Set the authorization mode to Webhook
  • Disable anonymous access and enable supported authentication mechanims

Before we secure the kubelet, we need to identify the kubelet configuration file. We know that kubelet is installed as a systemd service. So, we can use the following command to identify the kubelet configuration file.

ps -aux | grep kubelet
cat <configuration-file-path>

kubelet expose two ports, 10250 and 10255.

10250Serves the kubelet API that allows full access
10255Serves the kubelet API that allows unauthenticated/unauthorized read-only access

Set the authorization mode to Webhook

By default, the kubelet is configured to allow all requests/access from the kube-apiserver to its API. So when you do a curl request to the kubelet API, you can see the response. You can find the kubelet API endpoints in this URL (opens in a new tab).

curl -k https://localhost:10250/pods
# Output

However, this is not secure because it allow full access to the kubelet API. So, we have to set authorization mode to Webhook in the kubelet configuration file. By setting the authorization mode to Webhook, the kubelet will send a request to the kube-apiserver to determine if the request is authorized.

apiVersion: kubelet.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: KubeletConfiguration
  mode: Webhook

Authenticate and authorize kubelet requests

Now the use of pod 10255 is deprecated and it is disabled by default in the latest version of Kubernetes. However, let's assume you are using an older version of Kubernetes that still uses the 10255 port.

The 10255 port is similar to the 10250 port, just it only provides read-only access to any unauthorized and unauthenticated user. This exposes a risk to the cluster, as an attacker if knows the host IP address with the 10255 port open, they can get or do some malicious activities.

curl -k https://localhost:10255/metrics

By default, the kubelet permits all requests from anonymous users (username: system:anonymous and group: system:unauthenticated) to the API without any authentication. So, to prevent that, we have to ensure all requests to the kubelet API are authenticated and authorized. The following YAML configuration file are applicable to both ports.

apiVersion: kubelet.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: KubeletConfiguration
    enabled: false
    clientCAFile: /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt # path to the client CA file

There are two authentication mechanims;

  • Certificate based
  • API bearer token based

After you have set the authentication mechanims, you have to restart the kubelet service to apply the changes.

systemctl restart kubelet.service
curl -k https://localhost:10250/pods \
  --cert /etc/kubernetes/pki/apiserver-kubelet-client.crt \
  --key /etc/kubernetes/pki/apiserver-kubelet-client.key
  • This time, you have to pass in the certificate and key to authenticate the request.

Secure container runtime

Before we learn how to secure the container runtime, it's important to understand some CVE Ids.

CVE IdDescription
CVE-2019-5736This vulnerability affects Docker and other container runtimes that use runc. It allows an attacker to overwrite the host runc binary and gain root-level code execution on the host.
CVE-2020-15257This vulnerability affects containerd, a core container runtime used by Docker and Kubernetes. It allows an attacker to gain access to the containerd API without proper authentication.
CVE-2021-30465This vulnerability affects Docker and other container runtimes that use runc. It allows an attacker to escape the container and execute arbitrary code on the host.
CVE-2021-32760This vulnerability affects containerd. It allows an attacker to cause a denial of service (DoS) by sending a specially crafted request to the containerd API.
CVE-2022-23648This vulnerability affects containerd. It allows an attacker to gain unauthorized access to the containerd API and perform actions such as creating or deleting containers.
CVE-2022-0811This vulnerability affects CRI-O, a lightweight container runtime for Kubernetes. It allows an attacker to escalate privileges and execute arbitrary code on the host

Each node in the cluster has a container runtime. To secure container runtime;

  • Regularly update the container runtime to the latest version

  • Run container with the least privilege and avoid running containers as root

        runAsUser: 2000 # user id
        runAsGroup: 3000 # group id
  • Set read-only root filesystem to prevent the container from writing to the root filesystem

        readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
  • Limit the resources (CPU, Memory) that the container can use. So that we can prevent container from consuming all the resources on the node and can prevent denial-of-service (DoS)attacks.

          cpu: 1
          memory: 1Gi
  • Apply security profiles like AppArmor or SELinux to restrict the actions that the container can perform, also to add an extra layer of security by enforcing mandatory access control policies on containers.

    • These profiles will restrict what the container can do, for example, it can restrict the container from accessing the host filesystem or network.
    • SELinux (Security-Enhanced Linux) is a Linux kernel security module that provides a mechanism for supporting access control security policies. It's policies can define how processes and users can access resources on the system.
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Pod
        name: sample-pod
        - name: sample-container
          image: nginx
              user: "system_u" # The SELinux user label that applies to the container
              role: "system_r" # The SELinux role label that applies to the container.
              type: "svirt_lxc_net_t" # The SELinux type label that applies to the container.
              level: "s0:c123,c456" # The SELinux level label that applies to the container.
    • AppArmor (Application Armor) is a Linux security module that allows the system administrator to restrict programs' capabilities with profiles.
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Pod
        name: sample-pod
          # refers to a profile that is defined locally on the node
          container.apparmor.security.beta.kubernetes.io/sample-container: localhost/sample-profile
        - name: sample-container
          image: nginx
  • Transition to supported container runtime like containerd or CRI-O, as Docker is deprecated in Kubernetes, and to ensure compatibility with the latest version of Kubernetes.

  • Implement monitoring and logging like Prometheus, Grafana, etc to detect and investigate any suspicious activities in the container runtime. Enable audit logging to keep track of the activities in the contaienr runtime.

Secure kube-proxy


Refer to the kube-proxy section to understand the kube-proxy.

In summary;

  • Set kube-proxy configuration with proper permission
  • Secure communication using Transport Layer Security (TLS) between the kube-proxy and kube-apiserver
  • Set kube-proxy with least privilege
  • Set network policies to restrict the access to the kube-proxy service
  • Set logging and monitoring to detect and investigate any suspicious activities in the kube-proxy
  • Regularly scan and update for vulnerabilities in the kube-proxy
  • Enable audit logging to keep track the activities and monitor the activities of the kube-proxy

Before we secure the kube-proxy, we need to identify the kube-proxy configuration file. There are two ways to identify the kube-proxy configuration file.

# If kube-proxy deploys as pods
kubectl describe pod/kube-proxy-xxxx -n kube-system
# YAML output
# If deploy as systemd service
ps -aux | grep kube-proxy
apiVersion: kubeproxy.config.k8s.io/v1alpha1
bindAddressHardFail: false
  acceptContentTypes: ""
  burst: 0
  contentType: ""
  kubeconfig: /var/lib/kube-proxy/kubeconfig.conf
  qps: 0
configSyncPeriod: 0s
  maxPerCore: 0
  min: null
  tcpBeLiberal: false
  tcpCloseWaitTimeout: null
  tcpEstablishedTimeout: null
  udpStreamTimeout: 0s
  udpTimeout: 0s
  bridgeInterface: ""
  interfaceNamePrefix: ""
detectLocalMode: ""
enableProfiling: false
healthzBindAddress: ""
hostnameOverride: ""
  localhostNodePorts: null
  masqueradeAll: false
  masqueradeBit: null
  minSyncPeriod: 1s
  syncPeriod: 0s
  excludeCIDRs: null
  minSyncPeriod: 0s
  scheduler: ""
  strictARP: false
  syncPeriod: 0s
  tcpFinTimeout: 0s
  tcpTimeout: 0s
  udpTimeout: 0s
kind: KubeProxyConfiguration
  flushFrequency: 0
      infoBufferSize: "0"
      infoBufferSize: "0"
  verbosity: 0
metricsBindAddress: ""
mode: iptables
  masqueradeAll: false
  masqueradeBit: null
  minSyncPeriod: 0s
  syncPeriod: 0s
nodePortAddresses: null
oomScoreAdj: null
portRange: ""
showHiddenMetricsForVersion: ""
  enableDSR: false
  forwardHealthCheckVip: false
  networkName: ""
  rootHnsEndpointName: ""
  sourceVip: ""

This kube-proxy configuration file /var/lib/kube-proxy/config.conf contains the configuration for the kube-proxy to communicate with the kube-apiserver.

First, we have to check the file and group permission of the kube-proxy configuration file. After that, we need to set permission to 644 or stricter and make sure the ownership is set to root:root to protect the configuration file, as it does not allow write access by other users.

ls -l /var/lib/kube-proxy/config.conf
chmod 644 /var/lib/kube-proxy/config.conf
chown root:root /var/lib/kube-proxy/config.conf
  • r (read) = 4, w (write) = 2, x (execute) = 1
  • 644 = This ensures that the owner can read and modify the file, while the group and others can only read the file.

Next, we have to secure communication using Transport Layer Security (TLS) between the kube-proxy and kube-apiserver. This way, all data transferred between the kube-proxy and kube-apiserver is encrypted and secure.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Config
- cluster:
    # validate the TLS certificate of the kube-apiserver
    certificate-authority: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt
    server: https://kind-cluster-control-plane:6443
  name: default
- context:
    cluster: default
    namespace: default
    user: default
  name: default
current-context: default
- name: default
    # uses the service account token to authenticate to the kube-apiserver
    tokenFile: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token

Also, we will need to enable audit logging to keep track the activities and monitor the activities of the kube-proxy. This way, we can refer to the audit logs to investigate any suspicious activities.

apiVersion: audit.k8s.io/v1
kind: Policy
  # Log all requests at the Metadata level.
  - level: Metadata
      - group: ""
        resources: ["pods", "services", "endpoints"]
      - group: "extensions"
        resources: ["ingresses"]
      - group: "networking.k8s.io"
        resources: ["networkpolicies"]
  # Log all requests at the RequestResponse level for kube-proxy.
  - level: RequestResponse
    users: ["system:kube-proxy"]
    verbs: ["create", "update", "patch", "delete"]
      - group: ""
        resources: ["pods", "services", "endpoints"]
      - group: "extensions"
        resources: ["ingresses"]
      - group: "networking.k8s.io"
        resources: ["networkpolicies"]

This policy logs all requests at the Metadata level for pods, services, endpoints, ingresses, and network policies, and logs all create, update, patch, and delete requests at the RequestResponse level for the kube-proxy user.

Secure ETCD


Refer to the etcd section to understand the etcd.

In summary;

Secure container networking

By default, we know that Kubernetes networking is flat and unsecured. This means that all pods can communicate with each other, and there is no network policy to restrict the communication between the pods.

In summary;

  • Implement network policies to restrict the communication (incoming and outgoing traffic) between the pods
  • Use service mesh like Istio to secure the communication between the pods. Service mesh provides mutual TLS for encrypted and authenticated communication, traffic management, and observability
  • Encrypt the network traffic between the pods using IPSec or WireGuard. This will ensure that all data transferred between the pods is encrypted and secure
  • Isolate sensitive workloads by using namespaces and apply network policies. Segregate workloads by using namespaces and apply network policies can help to reduce impact if one of the workloads is compromised.

Secure storage

Before we learn how to secure storage, it is important to understand the security issues impact on Kubernetes cluster. For example,

  • misconfiguration of storage access will let the attackers to access the sensitive data
  • lack of encryption will lead to data leakage
  • insufficient backup will lead to data loss due to system failures or attacks

In summary;

  • Encrypting data at REST (etcd and persistent volumes). For example, you can use AWS EBS, Azure Disk Storage, etc, these providers actually offer encryption options.
  • Use Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) to limit the access to the storage. For example, you can grant only authorized users to access the storage.
  • Use Storage class to enforce security, performance limits, and backup policies. You can enable encryption in StorageClass. This will ensure that all data stored in the persistent volume is encrypted.
    apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
    kind: StorageClass
      name: example-st
    provisioner: ebs.csi.aws.com
      csi.storage.k8s.io/fstype: xfs
      type: io1
      iopsPerGB: "50" # performance limits
      encrypted: "true"
      tagSpecification_1: "key1=value1"
      tagSpecification_2: "key2=value2"
    • IOPS represents the number of read and write operations per second that the volume can support. So, the higher the IOPS, the better the performance.
  • Regularly backup and prepare for disaster recovery plan. You can use Velero, Heptio Ark, Kasten, etc to backup the data in the cluster.
  • Monitor and audit the storage metrics to detect and investigate any suspicious activities in the storage. Enable audit logging to keep track the activities in the storage.