Different users in Kubernetes
In a Kubernetes cluster, we have different users, for example,
- administrators - who manage the cluster
- developers - who deploy or test applications
- end-users - who access the application running in the cluster
- third-party applications or bots - that interact with the cluster for integration purpose
Authentication in Kubernetes
All user access is managed by the kube-apiserver. As mentioned before, the kube-apiserver is the front-end of the Kubernetes control plane. It authenticates the user and authorizes the user to perform the requested operation.
We have different ways to authenticate users in Kubernetes.
- Client certificates
- Static password file (Deprecated) - Contains a list of usernames and passwords
- Static token file - Containers a list of usernames and tokens
- Connect to an identity provider (third-party) - Like LDAP or Kerberos
- Service account tokens
Static password file (Deprecated)
In this method, we will create a csv file with password, username, and user Id. This file will be passed to the kube-apiserver using the --basic-auth-file
flag. You can find your kube-apiserver configuration file in /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml
# password, username, user Id, group (optional)
- You can also specify the fourth column as the group to which the user belongs, but it is optional.
To authenticate users, you can use the following command.
curl -v -k https://master-node-ip:6443/api/v1/pods -u "username:password"
Static token file
The concept is similar to the static password file. In this method, we will create a csv file with token, username, and user Id. This file will be passed to the kube-apiserver using the --token-auth-file
# token, username, user Id, group (optional)
To authenticate users, you can use the following command.
curl -v -k https://master-node-ip:6443/api/v1/pods --header "Authorization: Bearer <replace-your-token>"
Authenticate using kubeconfig
Refer to kubeconfig for more information.
Authenticate using kubectl proxy
Refer to api-groups for more information.
kubectl proxy
Authenticate using bootstrap token
Reference (opens in a new tab)
Boostrap token is a token that is used to authenticate with the kube-apiserver when creating a new cluster or joining a new node to the cluster. The bootstrap token is valid for 24 hours by default.
- Once a node has successfully joined the Kubernetes cluster using a bootstrap token, the expiration of the bootstrap token does not affect the node's membership in the cluster. Bsc, the node will use a client certificate for authentication after joining the cluster.
- Bootstrap token is used only for the initial join process.
Step 1: Create a bootstrap token
There are two ways to create a bootstrap token.
Using kubeadm (opens in a new tab). Remember run this command on the node that has installed
tool.kubeadm token generate
- Generate and print a bootstrap token, but do not create it on the server.kubeadm token create
- Create bootstrap tokens on the server- You can append
--dry-run --print-join-command
to get the secret YAML content and join command.
- You can append
The bootstrap token format must match the following regex: ^[a-z0-9]{6}\.[a-z0-9]{16}$
Step 2: Store the bootstrap token into Kubernetes secret
The bootstrap token must exist in the kube-system
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
# Name MUST be of form "bootstrap-token-<token id>"
name: bootstrap-token-07401b
namespace: kube-system
# Human readable description. Optional.
description: "The default bootstrap token generated by 'kubeadm init'."
token-id: 07401b
token-secret: f395accd246ae52d
usage-bootstrap-authentication: "true"
usage-bootstrap-signing: "true"
# Extra groups to authenticate the token as. Must start with "system:bootstrappers:"
auth-extra-groups: system:bootstrappers:worker,system:bootstrappers:ingress,system:bootstrappers:kubeadm:default-node-token
- indicates that the token can be used to authenticate to thekube-apiserver
as a bearer tokenusage-bootstrap-signing
- indicates that the token may be used to sign thecluster-info
- This group is typically used for worker nodes that are joining the cluster. Nodes in this group have permissions necessary to register themselves with the control plane and start running workloads.system:bootstrappers:ingress
- This group is used for nodes that are specifically joining the cluster to run ingress controllers. Nodes in this group have permissions tailored for ingress-related operations.system:bootstrappers:kubeadm:default-node-token
(default) - This group is used by kubeadm during the node join process. Nodes in this group have the default permissions required to join the cluster using a bootstrap token created by kubeadm.
Step 3: Get the worker node join command
On the control plane node, use kubeadm
with the token-id
and token-secret
that you generated in the previous steps to get the worker node join command.
kubeadm token create <token-id>.<token-secret> --dry-run --print-join-command
Step 4: Join the worker node to the cluster
On the worker node or ssh
into the worker node, run the join command that you got from the previous step. In this example, I am using ssh
to connect to the worker node.
- Ensure that the worker node has
, andkubectl
# ssh into the worker node
ssh node1
# run the join command
kubeadm join kind-cluster-control-plane:6443 --token joisdm.akqtwa3n4swya2ol --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:dae81a955efb64d6e568d1dafc6ad7a3c2afc6be65345c9bb86a3429440e4c07
Step 5: Verify the worker node already joined the cluster
You can verify the result from the master node (control plane node).
kubectl get nodes
Step 6: Authenticate using the bootstrap secrets (Optional)
This step is optional. You can further authenticate using the secrets.
# Get the kube-apiserver address
kubectl cluster-info
kubectl config view
# Get and decode the token id and secret from Kubernetes secrets
kubectl get secret bootstrap-token-07401b -n kube-system -o jsonpath='{.data.token-id}' | base64 --decode
kubectl get secret bootstrap-token-07401b -n kube-system -o jsonpath='{.data.token-secret}' | base64 --decode
export TOKEN=<decoded-token-id>.<decoded-token-secret>
curl -v -k -X GET https://kind-cluster-control-plane:6443/api/v1/pods --header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"
Authenticate using service account token
Step 1: Create a service account
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
name: data-sa
Step 2: Associate the secret with the service account
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: data-sa-secret
annotations: data-sa # service account name
Step 3: View the secret
kubectl get secret/data-sa-secret -o jsonpath='{.data.token}' | base64 -d
export TOKEN=<decoded-token>
Step 4: Create a Role and RoleBinding
We need to create a Role and RoleBinding to grant permissions to the service account. Let's said we only allow this service account to list pods in the default
kubectl create role pod-reader --verb=list --resource=pods
kubectl create rolebinding pod-reader-binding --role=pod-reader --serviceaccount=default:data-sa
Step 5: Authenticate using the service account token
curl -v -k -X GET https://kind-cluster-control-plane:6443/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods --header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"